The Doctor Who Wee-Wee Conundrum

I guess this next entry is going to seem a little puerile but I can’t resist: On our day out on Thursday (sorry for a repeat performance of this Barney and Ruth), Laurence noticed that the small entrance to the public conveniences at Paulton’s Park led into a deceptively roomy toileting area.

“It’s like the TARDIS in here Dad.” He said.

“What do you mean son?”

“Its much bigger inside than it looks outside,” he observed.

This prompted a much bigger discussion around the issue of toilets on the TARDIS. Are there any toilets on the TARDIS? Does Dr. Who ever need to go to the toilet? Would his toileting habits be different from those of humans?

We thought that if Dr. Who had a lot to drink, and felt the urge to go, he would only need to travel back in time before he had the drink. In this way, he would negate the need for peeing. Alternatively, he could travel forward in time to the point just after he had actually relieved himself and then he wouldn’t need to urinate. It was only later that we realised that this travelling forward solution would create a classic time travel juxtaposition which is that in order to go to travel to a post-urinary epoch, the Galifreyan time lord would still have to actually urinate at some point.

Doctor Who Season 5

Don’t go anywhere, I’m just nipping behind this bush!

I think it was Barney that pointed out that Dr. Who probably needs to provide some sort of facilities for his human sidekicks and that therefore there probably would be lavatories on board. I suspect he’s right. Even if the Doctor himself doesn’t need to go, you can’t just throw open the doors of the TARDIS and let people go out the door. This would be particularly inconvenient for his female companions and you can’t just leave waste products floating around in space. That would be inconsiderate and unpleasant.

doctor who series 5 matt smith 21 e1269805050181 How would a Doctor Who Game work?

“What do you mean, the vacuum of space will take care of it?!”

Once again, there are so few answers only more questions. What a curious universe we live in.


  1. he would need to go I suspect the producers has spared us the need to see and that is a good thing, fine discussion no doubt but as ppl pointed out to me the Tardis does have a pool so a toilet is no stretch, what about bathing, eating, sleeping all issues to be discussed further I hope

    • All very good points Rory. And I hadn’t considered the swimming pool. One could argue that having a pool makes the toilet unnecessary – need I say more? I wonder if the Dr. puts dye in the pool in case of this eventuality.

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